#fridaypaintday #fridaypaintday Process

#fridaypaintday Brushes

#fridaypaintday Painting No2 - 1

#fridaypaintday Palette No2

#fridaypaintday Painting No2

#fridaypaintday Palette copy

#fridaypaintday Painting No1

Last week I began #FridayPaintday, a self-made project in which I carve at least 1 hour out of my Friday each week to create and paint for myself. Like I mentioned in last week's post, this was a practice I followed weekly. Getting back to painting and creating for me and me only was freeing, exhilarating and reminded of how much painting is part of my fabric that makes me, me.

I curated a music mix, made sure all of my work was done for the day, and let loose. This is what it looked like and today, I'm about to start again.

I plan to have a few Nashville photographers visit my studio to capture pictures of me painting and creating. Stay tuned for those. For now, follow along and watch my progress via instagram.

Happy Friday!