why-i-blog I started blogging nearly 5 years ago. I found my voice, my tribe and my style through blogging. I read this blog post and was inspired to share why I blog.

My first blog was to explore and share work I loved and work I was creating. In 2010 I started blogging. I had no clue what I was doing, but remember reading my friends blog and thinking how I wanted one of my own. She gave me the advice to be myself, to choose a name that was short and memorable. Looking back at those posts, it's clear I was finding myself. I was discovering my personal style, my art, my voice and my inspiration. I blogged a lot about music and how it inspired my artwork. WOW, has my style changed and what I write about, but It's fun [and embarrassing] to look back at my first blog MUSIC = ART.

My second blog was created to attract clients. 6 months after starting my very first blog, I started a secondary one to blog about my new business venture. I don't talk about it a lot - but I used to be a hairstylist (I plan to share more about this soon). So this blog The Brides Hairstylist was created to attract brides seeking on site hair styling for their wedding. This blog was very successful having 200-400 visits per day. It helped grow my business extensively and connect with brides from all over the world. In 2012 I retired from hair and took down the blog to discontinue the inquiries.

My third blog was made to share my latest work and musings. In 2012 I launched the Hazel Wonderland blog. I remember asking my friend (who was developing my website and blog) to complete the blog first so I didn't feel like a fish out of water - because at that point I had taken down my second blog and had no way of blogging. When this blog was launched, I had 2 years under my belt and was used to release of blogging. On this blog I shared herbal tutorials, recipes, music, art and a lot of interviews. I loved the interviewing part (and will start featuring some here soon) but wasn't connecting with my readers as much as I'd like. Plus I had outgrown my brand and was launching my new business name and brand.

My current blog is for you. October 15, 2013, I launched this blog to answer your questions, solve your problems, teach tips and skills and connect with creatives. Yes, I've shared my secrets, my work and my observations but this time I'm doing it for you. It's only been a few months since this blog launched and already I feel like this one is the best yet. I feel more connected to you, more intentional, and more purposeful.

My mission is to help creatives live their dream, making money doing what they love and this blog is helping me reach that mission everyday.

How about you, what's your blogging history? Why do you blog? And how am I doing - am I helping you solve problems and learn new things?