Sarah-Rosborg-Storytelling I'm excited to embark on my new Storytelling series that interviews creatives, individuals and entrepreneurs doing remarkable things, creating amazing art and inspiring ideas and movements all over the world.

To kick off the series is the talented Sarah Rosborg, owner and charity guru of Castle Design based in Australia. A few years back I met Sarah Rosborg via email while working with a client on branding - Sarah was working on the clients web design while I was branding the clients business. We immediately hit it off and exchanged ideas and passions about charities and how we could collaborate to create something amazing together. Nothing has surfaced yet (my bad) but in the meantime, you guys should get to know graphic designer, business owner, mom, wife, philanthropist and creative Sarah Rosborg.

What are you doing today or what have you done in the past to successfully grow your business?

I did a lot of free work for charities when I started my business and from there I started getting more work through word of mouth. I treat my customers as I wish to be treated and I think I do a good job with their design work :)

Tell me a little more about your work with charities and your philanthropic roots. How did you get started working with them? What was your first charity and what did you give? How did you know you wanted to work for charities and give your time to others in need?

I do a lot of work with many charities around the world. I would only do this if I could afford to! but alas we all have to pay our bills. I started working with them when I first went to Kenya in 2005. 1 week after Ieft Kenya I was involved in a horrific car accident. I was pretty much bed bound for 9-12 months.. i taught myself web design and other items involved and set up a charity in Australia for Mission in Action who was who I had visited in Kenya. I havent looked back. I have always had a thing for Africa.. My mother says I have spoken of it my whole life.. so I guess I always knew!


What's one of your greatest accomplishments?

I think my greatest accomplishment is starting my own company which allows me to work from anywhere in the world doing what I love whilst still having a wonderful family life. I have also set it up so I can continue to help charities who are in need. I couldn’t love my job anymore and have met many wonderful people on the way.



What's one short-term and one long-term goal of yours?

Current short-term goal is to get a new a new charity I am starting in Australia registered and approved! It’s a lot of work to get a charity registered so I am able to fundraise in Australia but once that is done I am hoping to start a sponsorship program for the girls at Rafiki Mwema in Kenya.

My long-term goal would be to hire a web designer to help me with my workload. I would love to have a great team of people working for Castle Design.. I would manage the company and work and be able to focus on my charity design work more while other staff are taking care of all of my other clients..

What's one challenge you've encountered as an artist and what did you do to overcome it?

The only challenge I have faced since starting Castle Design is the lack of confidence that I am not good enough to be charging people or to have my own company. I would look at others and be envious of their wonderful websites and amazing skills.. Since I have stopped looking at others and focused on my own work and clients things have been much better.. There is enough work for all of us in the world and I believe if I do a good job and treat my customers well I will continue to have enough work.

What kind of advice would you give to aspiring philanthropists looking to donate their time or work to charities and others in need?

Money is not always what is needed. Skills and support is so needed.. There are so many people out there working in the field but they have no idea about the marketing , website, social media side.. this side of a charity is so necessary. Make sure you know who you are working for and if you can, visit the project. It will inspire you more than you can ever imagine.

Any words of advice for other creatives and artists looking to start and grow their expertise and business?

As I keep saying.. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Do free work for people in need. Give more than people expect to receive. Love your job and if you don’t love it STOP!


Download this free quote as an 8.5x11" print here. 

What's the first and the last thing you did today? First thing I did was wake up to my daughter early this morning. I tried to convince her that it would be a good idea to come into Mummy's bed for a cuddle so I could keep my eyes closed for 5 more minutes but she wasn't as keen as I was. The day is not over yet and it is only mid morning and I am about to get a strong coffee!

As a business owner, mother and wife, what's your secret to balancing life and work and how do you stay inspired?

I am always inspired. There is no problem of that lacking.. my problem is knowing when to stop work. If someone can give me some advice on how to stop working and relax I would like to hear it.

And just for fun:

What's the last music you listened to? Sia - Breathe me

What’s the last book you read? It has been so long since I have read a book.. If I am not looking after my daughter my head is in my computer.. but I think it was a book on the band TOOL. Maynard Keenan fascinates me.

What's your favorite dessert? I don’t have a sweet tooth so would have to say a packet of corn chips! or wine. Wine is delicious.

Coffee or tea? Strong coffee. I am married to a Swede. strong is the only option!

To find out more about Sarah and her work go to her website, like her on Facebook and Instagram. Have any questions? Email Sarah.

Click the image below to download yourself a free 8.5x11" print of Sarah's quote, I think this would make a great addition to my wall. How about you?

Love it or STOP! POSTER

Storytelling is a series that interviews creatives, individuals and entrepreneurs doing remarkable things, creating amazing art and inspiring ideas and movements all over the world. Are you one?  I want to hear from you, email me today.