my-goals-for-2014   writing-out-my-goals-for-2014     2014-goals-teach-cursive-and-calligraphy

Do you follow me on Instagram yet? If you do, you would have noticed a peek into my yearly goal-setting ritual and an announcement of one of my 2014 goals - to teach calligraphy and cursive.

As I've mentioned here, a huge piece of successfully accomplishing your goals is sharing them with others. So I am taking my own advice and sharing with you my goals. From now on, I will be sprinkling in my 2014 goals on Instagram, from business goals like teaching calligraphy and cursive, to personal goals like saving money to travel overseas.

Have you written out your goals for 2014 yet? Check our these dream catching and resolution accomplishing tips here and here to help you get started.

So lets' hear them, what are a few of your 2014 goals (remember - sharing them will help you hold yourself accountable)?