Live on the Edge Are you living life on the edge: taking risks, exploring the world, living your dreams, conquering fears and doing everything you can (even the scary stuff) to live your dreams?


Are you merely existing: each day comes, you go through the motions, convinced this is just the way it is, things can't get any better, you can't accomplish your dreams - they're too big, tomorrow comes and you do it all over again?

For most of the world, it's the latter. But you can be different. You can do anything. You can manifest your dreams, change the world and have everything you've ever wished for.

I want you to take out a sheet of paper - or open your notes on your phone or computer - and write down your big, I MEAN BIG, dreams. Really imagine how you want to live your life, what it would look like, what you would have around you, who you'd be with, what you'd be doing and write it down.

This is a process I take each and every one of my clients through, I call it ideal scene. Because if I know what your big dreams are and what you want to accomplish, then we can work together to make them happen.

Writing down your dreams is the first step to accomplishing them. The next step is making your dreams into goals, then after that,  creating a plan to get the ball rolling.

So what can you do right now, tomorrow, this weekend to live on the edge and accomplish your dreams?