From Fear to Courage - how to be more daring, creative and successfull What if you could be more courageous and positive about everything in your life? Would you notice a difference? Would you accomplish your goals? Would you be happier and more successful?

I believe so. I believe that if you turn your fears into courage and your negatives into positives, you'll find endless joy, success, kindness, purpose and fulfillment.

Back when I was a kid I remember learning how to ride a bike. First I had a tricycle, then a bicycle with training wheels, then eventually - even though I still didn't know how - my parents removed the training wheels. I'd position myself close enough to our house to hold myself up with one hand, get my feet ready, then push-off. I'd last about 5 seconds then fall. I was young and wanted so badly to ride bikes like my older sisters. I'd get back up, lean against the house, get my feet ready and push-off again. Over and over again I'd fall but each time I got up and tried again because I knew eventually I'd get it.

For some reason, as you get older, we lose this determination and courage to get back up and try again even though you know it's likely you'll fail. What if you could be more like you were when you were a child? Perhaps you'd be more courageous, fearless, creative, daring and successful?

Today you're going to reclaim your childhood courage with a very simple exercise, developed Michael Michalko the author of Thinkertoys,  that helps you to identify your fears, substitute them with positive thinking then guides you to carve out your path to success with affirmations. It might sound a little heady, but I promise you it works. Print out the free exercise worksheet here

Change your thoughts and change your world - Norman Vincent Peale

Once you've filled out the worksheet I challenge you to affirm your beliefs; to make a positive statement that something is already so. It can be general or specific - the point is to actually write it out as if it's a fact.Take a look at your "Tock" column and jot down some affirmations. For example "I am successful and happy because I do what I love".

Once you have a few affirmations, remind yourself of them. I like to cut little square cards and write affirmations on them and stick them in my purse, on my mirror, in my desk, or in my notebook. They're nice reminders and the more you affirm your beliefs, the more they become reality.

Take it one step further and jot down all of the things you like about and have accomplished for yourself and your business. The more you practice remembering your successes and forgetting your failures, the more you'll experience success and happiness.

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. - Eckhart Tolle

Today's blog entry is lesson borrowed from the Unlock Your Creativity Ecourse in session right now. To learn more about our Ecourses and to register for the next session, go here.